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Nouvall Engineering Services is gespecialiseerd in projectondersteuning voor de (petro)chemische & maritieme industrie. Wij leveren hierin personeel op het gebied van Engineering, Procurement, Construction, Operations, Maintenance en Safety.
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Vincent Maas
Sr. Werkvoorbereider bij BASF Antwerpen NV

Toon Meeusen
Hoofd Magazijn bij BASF Antwerpen NV

Cliff Nevejans
SIP Coördinator bij YARA

Laurens van Looveren
HSE Supervisor bij Equans Hoboken

Patrick Braem
Werkvoorbereider Tankpark bij BASF Antwerpen NV

Erik van Mossevelde
Sr. Maintenance Field Planner bij DOW

Fuen Van der Starre - García
EH&S Technician Engineer bij Dow
Nieuwe vacatures
Turnaround planner
Discipline(s): Mechanical -
Regio: (NL) Zeeland
Opleiding: MBO/TSO -
Ervaring: 3-8 jaar, 8-15 jaar, 15+ jaar
Voor onze opdrachtgever in Zeeland zoeken wij een Turnaround Planner.
De Turnaround Planner is iemand die ervaring heeft in Maintenance en / of Turnarounds, met de vaardigheden en kennis om vanuit een werkopdracht een jobpakket samen te stellen. Dit pakket bevat alle informatie over het werkmateriaal en de diensten die nodig zijn om het werk veilig, effectief en efficiënt uit te voeren.
Taken en Verantwoordelijkheden:
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Taken en Verantwoordelijkheden:
Beoordeelt de scope van werkopdrachten op volledigheid.
Maakt multidisciplinaire safe-job plannen gebaseerd op de scope van de werkorder en gearchiveerde plannen.
Controleert gearchiveerde plannen op regelmatige basis in de praktijk.
Kiest afhankelijk van de randvoorwaarden de juiste methode en middelen voor het job plan en bepaalt de bijbehorende doorlooptijden.
Is in staat om verschillende alternatieven voor het job plan op te stellen en deze te evalueren t.a.v. kosten en doorlooptijd.
Kennis van Environment, Health & Safety (EH&S) processen en procedures.
Informeert andere afdelingen/firma's over hun verplichting om input te leveren voor het samenstellen van het jobplan.
Verwerkt feedback van de uitvoering om gearchiveerde plannen te optimaliseren.
Monitort zijn planning backlog, identificeert problemen en neemt actie.
Doet aan Cost Estimating op job niveau.
Identificeert waar job plan wat betreft scope of kosten af gaat wijken en overlegt met betrokkenen waar nodig.
Beoordeelt een constructiepakket t.a.v. de uitvoering.
Geeft waar nodig de noodzakelijke voorbereidingen door productie aan.
Zet de job door naar open plan als het materiaal binnen is.
Maakt gebruik van het GMWP (Global Maint Werkproces) en procedures, raadpleegt technische data, draagt (veranderde) data aan voor correctie en/of corrigeert deze zelf.
Werkt waar nodig samen met andere disciplines.
Fungeert als vraagbaak voor klanten en collega’s.
Program Power Distribution Lead
Discipline(s): Commissioning, Electrical -
Regio: (B) Antwerpen
Opleiding: Bachelor -
Ervaring: 8-15 jaar, 15+ jaar
For one of our customers in Belgium we are in search for a Program Power Distribution Lead for a large newbuild project.
The purpose of the Program Power Distribution Lead is to ensure that the Electrical equipment installed at site is commissioned and operated to meet legal, National and International standards and a deliver safe and reliable asset to the planned cost and schedule.
The role will act as the Power Distribution Lead which is a formal role under Belgium Legislation (Installatie verantwoordelijke or IV) for all of the electrical equipment that is commissioned on the project. Initially that will be the electrical equipment used to support the project construction equipment but as the project progresses this role will ensure that all electrical equipment is accepted from the commissioning team and can be safely operated until the formal handover to the final operating team.
Bekijk deze vacature
The role will act as the Power Distribution Lead which is a formal role under Belgium Legislation (Installatie verantwoordelijke or IV) for all of the electrical equipment that is commissioned on the project. Initially that will be the electrical equipment used to support the project construction equipment but as the project progresses this role will ensure that all electrical equipment is accepted from the commissioning team and can be safely operated until the formal handover to the final operating team.
Works closely with the project commissioning team to ensure that prior to commissioning all equipment is fully checked and ready to operate safely and reliably and meet all legal, National and International standards.
Prepare all procedures and guidance to ensure that once the electrical equipment is commissioned it can be operated and maintained safely in line with all legal, National and International standards.
Lead a small team of electrical and maintenance and operators to operate and maintain the electrical equipment once in operation until it is formally handed over to the final operating team. This will include approving work permits for the equipment, and training and approving operations and maintenance personnel.
Provide technical expertise on high-voltage (HV), medium-voltage (MV), and low-voltage (LV) distribution systems, power quality, and grid interactions.
Act as the Installatie verantwoordelijke (IV) for the electrical equipment once it is in operation.
Work closely with the project Registered Third Party Organisations (RTPO) to ensure that the equipment will be commissioned, operated and maintained in line with all legal, National and International standards.
Work closely with the Project Electrical Engineers to ensure that all Electrical Engineering issues are properly resolved in a timely manner, that design changes are managed correctly, and that the facilities comply with all statutory requirements and Stakeholder expectations.
Work with the future operations team to align procedures for operation and maintenance where practical.
Manage the relevant interface(s) with stakeholders, ensuring the operations function is well-prepared for eventual project ownership, including the timely handover of the agreed Electrical Engineering deliverables to support training, operations and maintenance procedure development, Maintenance Management System population, etc.
HSE Supervisor
Discipline(s): Safety -
Regio: (B) Antwerpen
Opleiding: MBO/TSO -
Ervaring: 3-8 jaar, 8-15 jaar, 15+ jaar
For one of our customers in Belgium we are in search for a HSE Supervisor for a very large newbuild project.
The purpose of the SHE supervisor is to ensure that the Project is executed safe and meets the Project KPI’s and objectives.
The role will be part of an Integrated (Owner/EPMC) team that prepare and organise the health and safety program for Project Delivery Team and this person will give functional support and guidance to the SHE Manager.
He role reports to the Construction SHE Manager, and the Construction Manager.
The role responsibilities include:
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The role will be part of an Integrated (Owner/EPMC) team that prepare and organise the health and safety program for Project Delivery Team and this person will give functional support and guidance to the SHE Manager.
He role reports to the Construction SHE Manager, and the Construction Manager.
The role responsibilities include:
Supervise the practical execution of the Overall SHE&S Plan within his assigned area.
Ensure site safety on the ground at the site, starting with the first day of site preparation.
Manage day-to-day safety supervision on site, approve/ disapprove tools & work installations, intervention on unsafe acts.
Support the layout of the site relating to constructability, accessibility, traffic ways, equipment transport, lifting strategies, etc.
Support Construction Manager and other team members in resolving SHE nonconformances, etc.
Reports to the assigned SHE manager on a daily basis.
Liaise closely with the Contractor personnel on all SHE matters, ensuring field SHE are resolved in a proper and timely manner.
Works closely with the Legal Safety Coordinator (veiligheidscoördinator) for compliance with Temporary and Mobile Worksites regulation.
Monitor SHE work performed by the Contractors and other third party, providing oversight and guidance, ensuring that all work satisfies specifications and standards.
Ensure and participate in regular safety inspections.
Participate audits related to the SHE disciplines of the contractors and support audits from outside parties.
Evaluation of method statements, RAMS, safe execution plans, Follow up of environmental monitoring and permit conditions.
Environmental Performance Officer
Discipline(s): Environmental -
Regio: (B) Antwerpen
Opleiding: Master, Bachelor -
Ervaring: 3-8 jaar, 8-15 jaar, 15+ jaar
For one of our customers in Belgium we are in search for a Environmental Performance Officer.
he purpose of the Site Environmental Performance Officer‘s role is to implement the environmental standards and regulations, as defined by international, national, regional, permit, at the construction site.
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Support the ESG Manager in the performance of his duties and daily report to him.
Support the implementation of : all environmental mitigation measures required by Belgian law or by management the applicable environmental standards as set out by INEOS, the integrated permit requirements and the regional, national, and international standards (including lender standards such as IFC, Equator, OECD) into the daily construction site operations.
Support the improvement of an Environmental aspects of the Environmental and Social Management System, and document and report environmental compliance.
Support the ESG Manager in preparing, executing and evaluating bi-annually lender reviews, external government inspections and audits of the ESMS.
Work closely with the HSE managers and the HSE representatives of the contractors of the individual PDTs and regularly participate in meetings with them and regularly inspect environmental compliance on site.
Liaise closely with the Contractor personnel on all environmental matters, ensuring field environmental issues are resolved in a proper and timely manner.
Work closely with the Recognised Soil Expert on environmental monitoring (air, noise, wastewater, …) and the management of excavated soil as well as on the incoming materials e.g., granulates.
Support and advise on improving emission monitoring and management.
Support the implementation of the waste management plan and monitor performance.
Manage day-to-day environmental supervision on site, approve/ disapprove tools & work installations, intervention on inappropriate acts.
Perform environmental inspections/audits to verify the implementation of the environmental-related procedures and instructions and compliance with applicable regulations.
Conduct investigations and prepare reports on any hazmat spill incidents for submission to local authorities.
Support emergency response concerning spills.
Participate in the investigation of environmental incidents and internal and/or external complaints.
Regularly report on the activities at the construction site with (potential) environmental impact, including the identification of any missing elements and the proposed solutions to improve the situation.
Weekly and Monthly reports to the ESG Manager and Lead Environmental Engineer regarding environmental activity highlights.
Support the enforcement of site rules and regulations.